Live Electronics and Voice Improvisation by Roberta Busechian and Francis Flux
For the occasion of the finissage of ‘Declassified Records’ by Helen Heß, Francis Flux invites Sound Artist Roberta Busechian aka (T) Raum for a special Live Electronics and Voice Performance.
Francis Flux aka Federica Sosta /
Originally from Italy, Francis Flux is a Berlin based artist, performer and curator, currently a MA student of Sound Studies and Sonic Arts at UdK. Over the last seven years she has been dedicated to practice based research, and she’s been working with independent art education programs internationally. Occasionally she writes about music culture, performance and sound art. Voice and body related sound disciplines have become her focus of exploration and critical investigation.
Roberta Busechian /
Former MA student of ‘Art in Context’ at UdK, Roberta Busechian is a field recordings/ virtual ambiences sound artist, and Sound Studies researcher. She works in the field of Sound installations and interventions in public space, with a focus on field recordings and generative listening tecniques. She is a professor for Sound art in Milan, a Lecturer in Venice, Trieste and Berlin. She founded and directs the activities of spazio (T)Raum.
www. spaziotraum.wixsite.com/spaziotraum