‘Audio and Vision’ is two nights exhibition featuring the audio-visual works by Kassiani Goulakou, Fausto Mújica (LFA), Tarxun (Farshad Xajehnassiri), and Taiga Trigo.
About the event:
Audio and Vision showcases audio-visual works which explore the interplay between sound and image. Through four different approaches, the artists demonstrate the creative possibilities and complex relations of the two mediums in a non-hierarchical exchange.
Screenings by:
Kassiani Goulakou, Fausto Mújica (LFA), Tarxun (Farshad Xajehnassiri), and Taiga Trigo.
Gallery opening hours: Sunday 10th, 18:00 – 21:00, Monday 11th: 16:00 – 21:00

SoundsAbout is the new students-run exhibition and project space in Potsdamer Straße 161-Berlin. A collaboration between the Master’s program Sound Studies and Sonic Arts, and the gallery Zwitschermaschine.