‘Force to its contents’ is a Group Show featuring the works by Kim Wichera and Kayla Elrod.
Exhibition: March 05 – 08, 2020
Opening Mar 05, h.18:00-22:00
Opening hours:
March 06-07 h.16:00-20:00
March 08 h.12:00-17:00
‘Human Centrifuge’ by Kim Wichera.
Between 1806 – 1840 rotation machines (Drehmaschinen) were used as a form of treatment in the asylums for so called mad people in Europe. Human Centrifuge is part of a research about those forgotten machines and the recreation of its experience.
‘Wheel of Fortune’ by Kayla Elrod.
wishing, gathering, turning collecting/collections
intimacy, invitations, maybe-so retrieving, giving, repeating.
Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad.
Artists Bio
Kim Wichera are a sound artist, publisher and activist.
Kayla Elrod is a multi-media artist, using found materials and memories to challenge presumptions of nostalgia, universality and convention.