We are happy to announce the new SoundsAbout season titled con· spire, taking place between 15. November – 15. December at Projektraum Zwitschermanschine (Postamer staße 161.) The exhibition showcases recent works from the Sound Studies and Sonic Arts Master’s program at the Berlin University of the Arts during the span of a whole months. Each weekend offers an insight into the individual art practice of a student, creating an overview of the diverse, interdisciplinary field of the emerging generation of sonic arts.

The word Conspire originates from latin, meaning “to breathe together”. Following the notion of Salomé Voegelin that breathing is the the essence of being with, through concerts, installations and talks we will plot ways of relationally, and sound connecting disjointed bodies.

How can we use sound to make us aware of the shared bodies we create through vibrations, of what we become together formlessly and temporarily in passing? At the same time, how can we harness this porousness to nurture community and responsibility towards each other rather than simply end up romanticising sound. The students of Sounds Studies and Sonic Art’s program invite the visitors to reflect on the environmental existence of ourselves through the indivisibility of sonic environments. 


15. November: Season Opening Concert: Sonic Microscopy 
(w/ Angelos Tassopoulos, Nicole Lujan, Jeremy Segal, Oda egjar starheim, Thomas Lea Clarke, Sydney Christensen & Efthymis Naoumis)

On-going performance: Juice bar OPEN by domingo castillo flores

16. November: Concert
w Sleepwell, The unknown sound collective, Ultrademon

On-going performance: Juice bar OPEN by domingo castillo flores

29. November-1. December: Pores in the sand by Kurt Reinartz Salgado

6-8 December: wind sketch #02 by Hisako Nakaoka

13-15. December: Hollow by MINQ