Feb 18-20
Vernissage 18th Feb 18:00 – 22:00
Other daily opening times: 16:00-21:00
This exhibition features the 16mm abstract film works and studies of Ani Samperi and martin moolhuijsen, alongside many of the materials used in the processes of making their respective film works. Straddling between the worlds of analog and digital, addition and subtraction, shadow and light, form and formlessness, the raw vibration and texture of these works lends itself to their sculptural qualities with the use of additive and subtractive methods, found footage, mechanical distortion, and optical sound. These sculptural qualities come to the fore with the presentation of various physical materials that describe these film works and their experimental processes.
About the artists:
Ani Samperi is a multimedia sound artist based in Berlin. Her practice blurs the lines between experimental film, immersive sound installation, and performance art. Her work has incorporated light; field recordings; repurposed, organic, and resonant materials; feedback; voice; and various combinations of these, and uses concepts inspired by ecoacoustics and esoteric discourse to address questions of human agency, intimacy, and sensual experience.
martin moolhuijsen is an italian interdisciplinary artist based in berlin. his work is situated at the threshold of sound art, experimental film and experimental poetry and has taken the form of installations, fixed-media pieces, conceptual artworks, poems, signs, films and of any combination of the aforementioned. he likes to define his practice as connecting the dots, not unlike the children game next to crossword puzzles, but without numbers.